4 April 2015

Evolution of Linux

Linux History

In the 90s, a guy named Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student bought a 386 computer(computer with 80386 processor) and wrote a new POISX compliant kernel. He then put the source code online thinking that it will never support anything but 386 hardware. Many developers and other people accepted this kernel combined with GNU tools, and rest, it created history.

Presently,  more than 90 % of supercomputers (including the top 10 ), more than half of the smartphones and more than 70 % of the web servers (including google, facebook, amazon) and several devices such as DVD players, washing machines, routers, navigation devices run on Linux. It is the most commonly used Operating system in the World.

Linux Distributions

A linux distribution is a collection of softwares( usually open source) on top of Linux kernel. A distribution ( or distro ) can bundle server software, system management tools and many desktop applications in a central secure software repository. A distro is generally furnished with a GUI (Graphical User Interface). So, they provide a similar interface, secure and easy software management and often provide a specific operational purpose. For example, Kali Linux is used for penetration testing purposes. 

Popular Linux Distributions are: 
  • Debian 
  • Ubuntu 
  • Red Hat 
and a lot more. 

26 February 2015

What is Open Source Technologies?

Open Source Technology or an open source software means that the source code of the technology is freely available.
Most important advantages of Open Source is

  1. access to the Source Code
  2. Free remixes and redistribution 
  3. Better cooperation 

Watch the video to completely understand what exactly is open source is:
(The video also tells us How Open source was evolved)  

Free remixes and redistribution means that you can edit or modify the code according to your needs and you can also distribute your software  if you want to.
Let us have a look at popular open source softwares available today:

  • Linux powered operating systems
  • Apache Web server
  • K Desktop Environment 
  • MySQL
  • Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
  • Programming Languages like python, php etc.
  • Android Operating system for Smart phones and many more.
New open source technologies are evolving day by day. These technologies are better than other technologies because any one can make changes as the source code is freely available. So, there are more minds devoting their time to these mind blowing Technologies.